it is not Tuesday, September 21, 2004.

[and I approved this message]

if I could do it all over again, I would have fallen asleep three hours ago. insomnia is its own worst symptom and also the dumbest pseudo-disease imaginable. not even melatonin helps anymore. if not for the internet I'd still be just lying there, so I suppose I do have some small things to be thankful for.

fun bodily fact that I discovered in bed about one point five hours ago whilst vainly vainfully trying in vain to fall asleep: I have a bump near the middle of my back, and if I scratch at it there's another spot on my back that twinges with a curious itch/tickle/pain sensation. nerves are strange. I intend to figure them out, someday.

found today in the junk pile: assorted memorabilia (train ticket stubs, tube ticket stubs, london tower ticket stubs, plane ticket stubs, stubby stub stubbing stubs) from march 2003 london trip.

computer is now named cromulent. how amusingly self-referential.

segue into

amusement: my twentysomething friend who has the chicken pox. that was, like, so second grade.
abusement: the last day of summer. the days are shortening at the greatest possible velocity. (the analogy follows easily.)
unenthuse-ment: political ads on every channel, station, and column of every news and entertainment medium in existence.

unemployment is not the answer. unemployment is the question; NO is the answer. (and bollocks to waiting to hear the answer. there is no need to interview another applicant; it is clear that I'm the man for the job, quit stalling and hire me.)

how wonderful it is when the words write themselves.

that's enough for now. insomnia wanes (I'll needlessly keep you updated).

1 very splendid and worthwhile comment(s):

Blogger topavia did not say:

This morning my Dad said, "If the grass is greener it's because they have more dog shit in their yard."

Were it not for my stupid heart I might just decide one day to grow my own grass.

I have a job interview on Monday. The bank called me out of the blue. Sometimes I feel like reputation is better than a resume. [translate: Do you think I have to update my resume to go, can't I just go in and wing it?]

Saw a house designed strictly around isosceles triangles and thought of you. Only the wine cellar had 90 degree angles. Genius.

@ 9/21/2004 08:32:00 AM  


do not post a comment (or not).

do not go home (the grass is always greener).