it is not Saturday, September 25, 2004.

[from bad to still bad]

phone call, circa noon:

bugger, didn't get the dream job. the one that was tailor-made for me. the one that had my name on it, the one for which I gave a smashing interview, the one into which I poured an exhorbitant amount of emotion. which means that the future is still hovering in a state of quantum indecision above my head, waiting to fall. [aside: apparently I don't have enough 'experience in an office environment.' listen, boss, it's not that hard to learn to use a stapler. seriously. I'm a very capable intelligent boy.]

I suppose this means I'm sad. ... am I? ... no, not really. my subconscious (but effective) way of dealing with things is to expect the best but prepare for the worst, which keeps me optimistic whilst waiting and keeps my spirits up when I fail. it cushions the blow, anyway; I take what I can get.

there are approximately 15 humans in my email queue. communication is not my strong point. very many things are not my strong point.

oh, I have decided that douglas adams died too soon.

so sad.

unrelated post script: if I weren't so married I'd be a quirkyalone. perhaps you are too.

2 very splendid and worthwhile comment(s):

Blogger topavia did not say:

dream job came calling last week, and I made time to stop and chat with them this morning. they like me. they have money. they built a building exactly 2 minutes and 11 seconds from my new front door; by car on bad days when I catch the red light.

I sit here thinking that I may be saying no to dream job.

"I appreciate all of the really flattering things you've said about me and my work. I would have rolled naked in the extra money you wanted to give me. I regret that I will have to decline the shiney new desk plate, office furniture, and the 'new office smell'. My children don't want to transfer schools. More importantly, I'm not willing to change their lives to make mine easier."

=( Dream job boss is calling me sometime before tell me if he was able to get more dollars to entice me. I hope he hasn't. It'd suck to know my price.

I wish I could give you a dream job. People only seem to offer dream jobs when we have to give other things up to take them. Dream jobs should come when we are first starting out and eager.

I've dutifully informed the Gods of XM Radio to send a dream job your way.

@ 9/27/2004 08:40:00 AM  

Blogger topavia did not say:

almost forgot. i got a 99. "very quirkyalone". what a conundrum...

@ 9/27/2004 11:19:00 AM  


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