it is not Friday, September 03, 2004.

[I am the code poet]

wonder how long it will last.

most of my free time today/tonight has been spent messing around with the fascinating code surrounding this page. binary is on my 'languages to master' list. [aside: why is it that historically the things I really care about are the things that don't really matter?]

more, why do I continue to use the pseudo-code of that once and future site? I've said it before; I'll say it again. moving on is not my strong point.

DIDO thank you for living inside my computer, somehow even though I never feed you your voice is beautiful as ever. keep it up and I'll let you out long enough to make another record deal somewhere.

hours until potentially life-shaping interview: 297.83_ but does the fact that I counted those hours mean that it's now a different number of hours? or is it this: because I know the velocity of time, now the position of the date on my calendar has changed? it's true I passed modern physics. but it's also true that I passed the bakery today in my car but that doesn't mean that I retained all the bread that was inside. if you know what I mean.

in my next life, assuming, I certainly deserve to be something simpler.

5 very splendid and worthwhile comment(s):

Anonymous Anonymous did not say:

antimatt? is that you?!


@ 9/03/2004 02:49:00 AM  

Blogger mAtt did not say:

yes. yes it is.

@ 9/03/2004 02:51:00 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous did not say:

prefix thief...i resent that, hehe

@ 9/03/2004 06:10:00 PM  

Blogger mAtt did not say:

gosh, that last answer is embarrassingly short and empty. I (conveniently) blame it on the lateness of the hour.

for better results, locate and click the 'communicate' link somewhere to your right. hilarity and information ensue!

the end.

@ 9/03/2004 07:32:00 PM  

Blogger Louise Allana did not say:

oh matt, you are obviously the code-man, not me. i love what you have (not) done here.

@ 9/04/2004 02:19:00 AM  


do not post a comment (or not).

do not go home (the grass is always greener).