it is not Tuesday, September 07, 2004.

[in defense of the night life]

oh, suuure.

sure you can get up earlier than I prefer to (read: earlier than I can).

sure you can wake up and be cheery when even the alarm clock's still asleep.

sure you can hit the ground running and lovingly prepare your mochaccino frappalatte (using the coffee maker's loudest settings, of course) and spin like a tasmanian devil around the kitchen and call out to the world and sing your morning songs and generally annoy even the rocks with it all.

you can do all these things. but tell me, truly, can you finish a good book in a single sitting if it means staying up past sunset? have you ever lain in the grass some summer night, all night, to watch a meteor shower? can you get in the car and just drive for the pure and absolute thrill of driving on an empty highway with the headlights off?

here's how I see it. you can get to your desk in the morning as early as you'd like. you can outperform me for the first four hours of the day. but after your jet fuel explosion has burned itself out, when you're taking your mid-afternoon nap from which even an intravenous coffee drip cannot rouse you, I'll still be burning diesel. when you collapse on the couch after work and float on auto-pilot through dinner and everything after, there I'll be, solid as a rock and energized enough to do all those things I described earlier. energized enough to write about it on the interweb.

... okay, you got me, the truth is I'm just out of college and don't have a job yet so really there's no motivation for me to go to bed and even less for me to wake up so YES FINE you're superior to me especially in the morning but I swear as soon as I'm employed I'll be sure to start burning diesel again.

until then I don't have an excuse. other than doom 3 won't play itself.

plus you kick me all night and always sleep in the middle of the bed.


why do I keep taking these things?

What Sort of Hat Are You? I am a Redhat.

that probably-copyright'd picture means that I am a redhat. (incidentally, I know what redhat is all about.)

I'm too much of a geek to be a genuine hat of any sort. I was hoping my result would be something simple like 'white hat' or 'black hat,' or something impressive like 'wizard hat,' and am frankly disappointed that those results weren't even available. I think the cupholder story is funny. (I also know what the cupholder story is.) I meticulously copy edited this automatically generated result.

what sort of hat are you?
... you know, if you care about silly things like this. which personally for the record I of course do not.

5 very splendid and worthwhile comment(s):

Blogger Ghengis did not say:

Don't forget to warm to glow plugs when you start burnin diesel again. Fill in your own innuendo here __.

A job will definitly make you forget those 3 digit locker codes because I don't want to listen to those stupid PDA messages after not playing for 3 weeks and it makes me not want to play at all. I refuse to cheat on the internet.

3 is a biblical number so now I'm scared.

@ 9/07/2004 05:23:00 PM  

Blogger mAtt did not say:

this comment has been posted simply so the index page does not say 'there are 1 comments.'

I hate it when it does that.

@ 9/08/2004 03:09:00 PM  

Blogger Louise Allana did not say:

this comment has been posted because 3 is a biblical number

@ 9/08/2004 09:20:00 PM  

Blogger My Life In Indiana did not say:

this comment has been posted because I lack productivity at work, a direct result of my suffering a miserable cold.


@ 9/09/2004 01:07:00 PM  

Blogger mAtt did not say:

hello lisa.

you haven't written in so long I was wondering where you'd got to.

(the above statement is of course silly because I have never met you in my life, on the interweb or otherwise.)

hello. all the same.

@ 9/09/2004 01:24:00 PM  


do not post a comment (or not).

do not go home (the grass is always greener).