it is not Thursday, November 04, 2004.

[(positive) reinforcement needed]

in the original draft of kerry's concession speech was the line 'I want to thank my wife, teresa, without whose billions of dollars this hair would not have been possible.'


someone (not me) said to someone (me) recently, regarding the election: 'we are watching it with the distracted attention that one might watch a car-crash in progress. i myself have little hope for a happy ending.' you and the rest of the world, that is. was. whatever.

it's getting to be that time of year again. that really, really expensive time of year. so: does anyone know what women want for christmas? ... specifically, does anyone know what my wife wants for christmas? I mean, something that I can put on my current credit card, not something that requires me to go see vinny the loan shark or to get a mortgage. or both; vinny doesn't offer very competitive rates on mortages.

a recent interview turned into a skills test turned into tomorrow's second interview. government job is still up in the air. wife's second interview has been and gone and we still await the result. wife also turned down the pseudo-volunteer position, which would have paid her $850/month (crap) for the next eight months (crap) with very very few days off (very crap). it's a trying time for us. SISTER if you're reading this don't tell mom, we think that telling people the last time bollocksed it up for us last time. can I work for you?

everyone please join me in my hatelife disillusionment.

I'm tempted to begin writing stories en masse again, something I basically haven't done since I started jobbin'. it was always therapeutic for me, and I wonder if that added stress reliever would be worth its time. and there was a lot of time involved. why am I telling you this? there is insufficient data for a meaningul answer.

things get mixed up in my head. when I do something for an extended (or short but intense) period of time, any sort of stimulus I'm getting at the time is tied to that action. then, whenever I experience that stimulus again later, I'm reminded of whatever it was I was doing. I just thought you all should know because the stove light keeps randomly turning itself on, and the last time that kept happening was the last time I did some serious writing.

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