it is not Thursday, December 23, 2004.

['tis the season to be easily offended]

it's never the majority; it's always the vocal minority.
(no) more on that later.

the really truly hard-liners of the denomination I nominally belong to think catholics are the beast that will devour the earth in the end times and that we shouldn't have anything to do with them--as in, we shouldn't speak to them, look at them, shouldn't use words that they use, and on and sodding on. in this xenophobic spirit, therefore, I want to wish you all a merry Christ-x.

if I wanted to be simultaneously politically correct and remain neutral with respect to tradition and culture and belief I'd wish you all a merry x-x.

but that's just lame. so: happy second day after solstice, everyone, and good luck in the arbitrarily-begun new year. unless you're chinese, in which case happy, uh, shiny, lucky ... golden ... dragon? SOMEONE POLITICALLY CORRECT ME PLEASE

happy whatever, weenies.

2 very splendid and worthwhile comment(s):

Blogger Ghengis did not say:

Whenever I hear something less than praiseful of my religion it triggers an innate desire to suit up in platemail and ride a horse towards some place so I can kill something with my sword. Then I just take a deep breath and remember how well the crusades went.

Merry Christ-Christ to you, Matt.

@ 12/25/2004 08:48:00 AM  

Blogger topavia did not say:

if i had a horse and wasn't afraid of sharp things i'd be inclined to draw my sword too. we only have dull scissors at my house. i suspect that is why the commercialized presents i bought my kids weren't wrapped perfectly.

i'm thankful you speak to, look at, and shimmy with me.

Merry Christmas Matt.
(ps- offense is too commonly confused with one's sense of guilt, fear, or disagreement...but what the heck, it makes for great reality tv, right?)

@ 12/30/2004 07:53:00 AM  


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do not go home (the grass is always greener).