it is not Thursday, April 21, 2005.

[a.d.d. flare-up]

because there's not much else to talk about, here's a look at what I've been obsessively alt-tabbing between. I am not a link farm.

1. an interesting (that's (5, interesting)) look, on the order of doctoral dissertation, at slashdot's effects on the interweb (warning! pdf-infested link).

2. the beautiful use of light, color, and composition.

3. an office clone that's open-source and better than office. did I mention it's open? information wants to be free anthropomorphized.

4. a slightly autistic personality who has some intriguing insights but difficulty carrying on a conversation with a mirror. thereabouts.

5. dandy.

Chelsey gave blood this afternoon, then slept all evening. lucky. gosh.

2 very splendid and worthwhile comment(s):

Blogger Louise Allana did not say:

what, no tooltip for the slashdot link?

my housemate gave blood duringwork time (employee incentive program) then got sent home because he "looked pale". when he got in the next morning and they repeated the concerned "you look pale" mantra, he had to remind them that he is always pale - they've probably just never paid enough attention before!

@ 4/23/2005 04:20:00 AM  

Blogger My Life In Indiana did not say:

Nice. I'm a big fan of Slower.

I also appreciate Overshadowed.

And this is random, but it's the bookmark directly below Overshadowed. Umm that's all I got.

@ 4/24/2005 08:29:00 PM  


do not post a comment (or not).

do not go home (the grass is always greener).