it is not Tuesday, April 26, 2005.

[forty-something years till retirement]

after it sits latent twenty-seven minutes in my fake plastic bottle, after the average size of a condensation drop without shrinks to precisely the size of a growing air bubble within, the drinking fountain water arrives at the ideal temperature for gulping: refreshingly cold but not bitingly so. by stealth, the condensation creeps into a ring on my desk invisible until oblivious I splap important papers in it; I sputter curses and fling paper, ink, water to the ground and swear I've lived this moment already.

yesterday my task was to track down fifteen hundred dollars; I did so in ten minutes that defined efficiency. today a very clever ten dollars evaded me for well nigh three hours, and I'm not yet convinced of the accuracy of my solution (which is bad no matter what your day has been like).

[aside: let me get this straight. an alcoholic is someone addicted to alcohol. a workaholic is someone addicted to workahol? a chocoholic addicted to chocohol? would a car running on gas/ethanol be a gasoholic? words simultaneously illuminate and confusticate, to the great cromulentification of all.]

my snail-mailbox is abuzz with activity, in and out, to the benefit of all. ... er, some.

6 very splendid and worthwhile comment(s):

Blogger Louise Allana did not say:

it's the little numbers that elude most efficiently. the real triumph is when you finally find the inverted 9 and 6 that had you hunting through tens thousands of dollars, and realise that all along the difference in your reconciliation was divisible by 9.

@ 4/26/2005 11:02:00 PM  

Blogger mAtt did not say:

the day after I learned that trick on my own I read it in a 'for dummies' book; I am the king of the mathies.

I find it interesting that we do the same thing. even though you're imaginary.

@ 4/26/2005 11:15:00 PM  

Blogger Louise Allana did not say:

i also find it fascinating that we appear to do the same thing, given that i can no longer remember what you were studying but i was sure it was nothing like what you seem to be doing.

i am in awe of your mathematical mind, however. i have logic, but no maths. i still count on my fingers and get out the calculator to do simple multiplication.

when people ask me how uni is going, i tell them i've been working as a bookkeeper for two years (which is all manner of simplification). and then watch them squirm. what do you tell people you do for money?

@ 4/27/2005 07:37:00 PM  

Blogger mAtt did not say:

I tell them that I move numbers from one place to another. all day. what I do is interesting to no one but me. I'd give you details, but then I'd have to wake you up.

I don't know enough to embezzle. I don't know how those enron people did it. I mean, their balance sheets wouldn't balance! wouldn't it drive them crazy? sure your bank account would have a billion dollars in it, but the books wouldn't be right! the books, man!


I was and am studying to be an actuary. the next test in the sequence is in a month but I haven't talked about it much in the hopes that if I don't make a big deal about it, I won't be so disappointed when I inevitably don't do so well. this is how I get when I'm scared. I get flippant.

@ 4/27/2005 08:28:00 PM  

Blogger topavia did not say:

@ 4/28/2005 08:58:00 AM  

Blogger mAtt did not say:

more precisely,

your link is so last year.

@ 4/28/2005 09:25:00 AM  


do not post a comment (or not).

do not go home (the grass is always greener).