it is not Wednesday, May 04, 2005.


that game that game we used to play and you always won, i can see now why you always beat me i can see the top of your head over the top of the desk shelves again and i don’t know why you hide when i get up. have i told you about my dream? forgive me but i’m

getting the poking tingling feeling again in the point at the back of my head that means either i’m seeing time and space unhindered, e-i-e-i-o, or i’ve forgotten to take my

lithium again. i don’t know how you make the phone ring so that only i can hear it but i wish you wouldn’t, you’re disturbing the

order of things round here, here, here’s tom with the weather the fallout is spreading headed west highs in the mid ten millions and, here, i’m rambling again but i digress, i have

this dream, again and again where you you’re getting into the car and i’m saying stop, stop, i don’t have i told you this before? i

don’t want to be scared anymore, my head is hurting again, i want to wake up and it’s only after i’ve thought about it a while here and only after i see and hear my mom biting her nails by the ekg machine when i realize i have

n’t slept for weeks. i don’t think i’m sleeping

1 very splendid and worthwhile comment(s):

Blogger Louise Allana did not say:

whatever else that may be, it is beautiful, worrying poetry...

@ 5/04/2005 06:29:00 PM  


do not post a comment (or not).

do not go home (the grass is always greener).