it is not Tuesday, August 02, 2005.

[sunday bloody sunday]

what is the worst day of the week? survey says sunday.

check that link out. it's a really interesting and concise read into why sundays are so consistently awful. it made me consciously think about it for the first time. i particularly liked the bit about why so-and-so likes thursday best: 'because then he can still anticipate the weekend before the clock has started running on it.' for me, the best part about this weekend's manly camping trip will be the car ride up: music, friends, the surety of freedom and charred food and cameraderie.

perhaps this is why i start so many projects but finish so few of them. after all, who wants to go on with something after it loses its luster and gets difficult? i hope this doesn't mean i'm becoming an idealist in my old age.

1 very splendid and worthwhile comment(s):

Blogger Ghengis did not say:

I'm with the guy in the last paragraph. Someone was thinking when they invented Sunday night football (as long as Cleveland isn't playing) and left you to dream about Monday night football and nothing else matters. Also Family Guy and American Dad are good temporary substitutes.

Maybe it is bad that the only thing I have to look forward to is television on Sunday. I think Sunday is the only time I use the thing.

@ 8/04/2005 04:36:00 PM  


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do not go home (the grass is always greener).